Member of Professional Associations
1. Founder of the "Compras Públicas Brasil" Project, jointly with Dr. Jair Santana, who brings together the best Brazilian specialists in the area. We will produce a series of books during 2012-2013, in addition to various outreach activities. June 2012 so far.
2. President Director of FF / Research & Consulting, since 2003.
3. Founder and coordinator of the “Public procurement Brazil “ alongside with Dr. Jair Santana. This initiative consists of a project development, work with the authors and the government that have participated and approached management themes, planning, local development, legal framework and innovation strategy policies, resulting in several books and activities. June 2012 to present.
4. Coordinator of the Group for Electronic Government Studies and Development, located at FUNDAP, and with financing from FAPESP, ongoing, 2004 to 2008.
5. CAENI – Center for High Studies on International Negotiations - IDIRI University of Sao Paulo, coordinator since May 2000.
6. GACINT – Group for the Analysis of the International Situation - Ccint, USP. 1999 to 2008.